About UA Local 401

United Association (UA) Local 401 is a premier construction trade union of Plumbers, Steamfitters, Welders and Apprentices.

Building on our long history of excellence, our Local will continue to be an integral part of the industries and communities in which we live and thrive. Our vision is to be a multi-facetted, multi-talented workforce that assists our contractors achieve on- time, on-budget construction in a competitive, performance-based and safety-driven environment.

UA Local 401 Eastern Training Centre and Hall

Our Members

UA Local 401 Members provide a wide variety of construction services in the Residential, and ICI sectors.

We have over 1400 Members, including:





We are also able to bring in skilled trades people form beyond our Locals’ borders in order to meet the manpower needs of larger projects.

UA Local 401 turnout for Labour Day in Kingston

Quality-based Competition

We have taken a proactive approach to reducing the gap in wages for Union vs Non-Union skilled trades. We have also developed a Market Recovery Fund that provides financial assistance to our Contractors during the tendering process to ensure their bids are competitive.

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

UA Local 401 is increasingly asked by many project developers to take on more of a business development role for major projects prior to their approval. This often includes advocacy of the project’s benefits to municipal, provincial and federal governments. We are pleased to be our Contractors' committed partner in getting their projects approved and off the ground.

Welding work with metal construction at busy metal factory